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August 8, 2012

Marie-Pierre writes:

For once I am getting the run of the house, on a break between jobs.  I spent the weekend sleeping, watching movies and sleeping some more.  Naps, naps and more naps.  There seems to be no end to the accumulated fatigue.  I am sure I am going to work it out of my system eventually.  For now, off the treadmill is one great big mattress that I keep sinking into.

I haven’t even made it to the pool yet.  Neither have I picked up a pencil.  I am a little worried that nothing will get crossed off my long to-do list.  I am just not used to rest, even though my friends and family keep telling me that’s what I need most right now and that I’ll feel must better afterwards.
Stan, on the other hand, is bustling with activity, dashing to music practices and sound engineering classes, working late on his computer, mowing the lawn, cleaning the pool, researching equipment, talking to the internet people, the security people, the sound people, the electrical people.  I had to beg him to go have coffee with me.  I needed the caffeine to perk me up until dinner.  He drank decaf so he wouldn’t explode.  

Perhaps this is o.k.  Our opposite energies balance each other out.  For now,  one more time.  My time will come.

Stan writes:

Well MP finally pulled the trigger and quit the Greensheets.  Her time there served her well as well as she learned a lot and she has grown so much in the last 4 years.  It was probably the hardest place in some ways that she has also worked.

Now she is off and the first day was quite funny.  She did not know what to do with herself.  She was in conflict between the part of her that felt that she should be busy accomplishing her goals and the part of her that wanted to take some time off and relax.  It was like watching two people in one…..needless to say by the end of the day she was tired.

Amazingly enough, the second day was very different and she was a lot more relaxed.  She still has not figured out how to “do nothing”  ……. and that is also her talent and why she is so accomplished.

That is where I come in…..I can teach her to do nothing.  Although I have learned that when she wants to learn something she will let me know, so in the meantime I have gotten really busy with my life and neither one of us are doing nothing, so we will see.

I sure love having her around though…..this is really cool…..and I will enjoy every minute because in September there are no more Mondays off and then I will really miss having her around.

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